22 February, 2008

Exemplary Notepad of Significant Importance?


David said...

that is rate funny!

Anonymous said...


B.C. said...

HA! Did you show Jono?

Jono said...

Ahahaha. That is so funny. Note the sarcasm in my voice. Not that I am using my voice.
It is clear that you are missing my excellence in blogging. Well, I shall post a new blog for you at some stage, but I fear it may be on a completely new blog. I have been thining about making a new one. A different one. Hooray! Watch this space for it. Or rather, watch another space that dooes not exist yet.

some girl said...

Sarcasm noted.

I will watch this non-existent space, as impossible as it may be (hey, I have a lot of skills).

B.C. said...

Excellence in blogging? You can't even make that claim until you're at least a week from your last post.

some girl said...

Or do you mean at most

some girl said...

Why thank you, Cellular.