Okay, so just to get the truth out there: I am a Matt Corby fan. An avid fan.
In case any one doesn't know, Matt is the runner up for this year of Australian Idol.
I know, he's a pretty boy, and normally I don't like the pretty boys, but I love Matt Corby.
Some people at my church used to play in a band with him, and he's coming to perform at our church's carols service (I forgot to get tickets) and my friend is singing backup for him. Very jealous. Not really. Actually very happy.
Matt Corby came second! Which is good because then he doesn't have to conform to mainstream the way the record label would make him.
I want to marry him. So does Josh... !?

Matt Corby sings Bedouin Song
Matt Corby sings The Blower's Daughter
That's all I have to say about that.
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Yeah well, you know what I have to say to you?
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